December 16th was a big day for the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation. The foundation proudly awarded the 2010 Community Foundation grants to area deserving non-profit organizations, announced the recipients of grants from the Dr. Pratt and Pauline Irby Fund, and received a check for the Foundation’s unrestricted endowment fund from the Fort Scott Community Gala Steering Committee.
The grant recipients for the foundation’s 2010 grant cycle and their projects demonstrate dedication to and inspiration for improving the quality of life in the Fort Scott area. The grants were for various amounts, depending on the project, and were selected from many applications received. The following organizations were awarded grants for the following projects:
- Visioning a Healthier Bourbon County: Provide a sprinkling irrigation system for a community garden to be created in spring 2011 on the corner of 9th Street and Horton.
- Fort Scott National Historic Site: Support for recruiting and hosting reenactors to portray historic individuals at the Fort’s Chautauqua during the 2011 Good Ol’ Days celebration.
- Gordon Parks Center for Culture & Diversity: Fund a performance of a dance company from Lawrence, Kan., during the 2011 Gordon Parks Celebration of Culture and Diversity.
- The Beacon: Provide more fresh produce to low-income families during the entire year.
- Fort Scott Middle School: Defray the costs of performance tickets, books, copies of plays and transportation costs associated with Project A.R.T.
- Mother to Mother Ministry: Provide diapers, wipes and cleaning supplies to single mothers and low-income families, in addition to providing funds for utility assistance.

The Dr. Pratt and Pauline Irby Fund was created as a result of memorial gifts made to the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation after Dr. Pratt Irby’s death in July. Two grants were awarded. Recipients are:
- Lowell Milken Education Center: Assist local teachers and students in producing projects demonstrating patriotism and service of Veterans as “Unsung Heroes.”
- Fort Scott Public Library: Sponsor special storyteller or music performances for children in summer 2011.
The last major event of the day was the acceptance of a check from the Fort Scott Community Gala Steering Committee. Carla Farmer, co-chair for the Gala committee, awarded the foundation with a check for $13,089, the proceeds from the 2010 Gala. The funds will be added to the foundation’s unrestricted endowment fund to be used to provide yearly grants to area non-profit organizations.