Agency Funds

Individuals, couples, and families aren’t the only donors who can take advantage of the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation (FSACF) to achieve their charitable goals. Eligible organizations can establish an agency fund with FSACF to manage and grow their own assets. Agency funds offer several advantages to local nonprofit organizations that can help simplify and improve their fundraising efforts.

Advantages of an FSACF Agency Fund

  • Outsource routine tasks and focus on your mission. The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation accepts donations to agency funds, handles the bookkeeping for them, and issues any required tax receipts. That means your organization can leave the details of accepting donations to us and focus on what it does best.
  • Build a permanent base of support for your organization. Your agency fund can be endowed–distributing only a portion of its balance each year–or non-endowed–able to distribute up to its total balance. An endowed agency fund creates a permanent funding source that will grow over time through donations and investment.
  • Benefit from our outreach. With an agency fund at FSACF, your organization will be connected to the donors, professional advisors, and others that FSACF works with regularly.
  • Be ready for large gifts when donors are. Some donors are more comfortable making a large gift to an agency’s fund at the Community Foundation than giving the gift directly to the agency. The Foundation’s board serves as an extra layer of oversight, and with the right structure, the donor’s gift can benefit your organization forever rather than serve as a short-term windfall.
  • Low overhead. FSACF funds up to $500,000 are subject to an administrative fee of just 1% (or a minimum annual fee of $250).

Learn more

If you’re ready to start leveraging your local community foundation to streamline and enhance your fundraising, contact us to learn more or get started!