Once again, the Fort Scott Area Community Foundation has awarded grants to 12 deserving organizations within our community. Over $21,000 was awarded at the Chamber Coffee on November 10th. FSACF president Blake Hudson and granting committee chair Patty LaRoche distributed checks to the groups.
We are grateful for our ability to partner with organizations that work for the betterment of our community. Congratulations to this year’s recipients–and a huge thank you to all those who contribute to FSACF to make these grants possible!
2016 FSACF Grant Recipients
- The Gordon Parks Museum: Downtown banners promoting the center.
- The Riverfront Authority: Moving of the Long Shoals Bridge.
- Friends of the Fort: 175th anniversary of Fort Scott celebration.
- Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition: Buck Run and pool passes for needy families.
- Fort Scott Middle School: Project ART.
- CASA: Training of new volunteers.
- Bourbon County Senior Citizens: Help to subsidize taxi service for senior citizens.
- Care to Share: Meeting the needs of families stricken with cancer.
- Partners in Change (formerly Circles): Teaching and mentoring those living in poverty.
- The Lowell Milken Center: New exhibit on the history of Fort Scott.
- USD 234: Mentoring program.
- Mercy Health Foundation: 3D mammography machine.