On November 13, 2014, FSACF awarded grants to the following nonprofit organizations:
- Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition – To assist Network for Families in providing rent and utilities assistance.
- Bourbon County CASA – To provide new Volunteer Advocate Training.
- Youth Ministries of Bourbon County (the Key Hole) – To fund Fifth Quarter Parties for High School youth.
- Lowell Milken Center Unsung Heroes – To create an exhibit featuring David Levy, Master of Astronomy.
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bourbon County – To provide Big Stretch activities for big brothers and big sisters to enjoy with little brothers and little sisters.
- The Beacon – To create Outreach Technology which will include a computer purchase and internet fees.
- City of Fort Scott – To assist in the building of a Clubhouse for Woodland Hills Golf Course.
- First Presbyterian Church – To help set up an After School Academy.
- My Father’s House – To assist this Outreach Day Center for Homeless with utilities and maintenance.
- Bourbon County Senior Citizens – To add to Transportation Program local match.
- First United Methodist Church – To help with the funding of the cost of meals for Feeding Families in His Name, which provides free weekly meals. This program is being awarded a Grant from FSACF and also one from the Dr. Pratt and Pauline Irby fund.
- City of Fort Scott – To contribute to the fund to purchase a Symbols of Sacrifice track chair for a wounded veteran.
- Gordon Parks Center for Culture and Diversity – To fund additions to the Children’s Creativity Center in the Gordon Parks Museum.
- Ellis Foundation – To assist with the funding of a Fort Scott Community Scholarship.
- Good Ol’ Days – To help provide a Free and Low-Cost Children’s area during Fort Scott’s annual festival.
- Midwest PGA Foundation – To provide reimbursement for a “SNAG” golf program in Middle School and High School PE programs in USD 234.
- Care to Share – To supply Fuel Vouchers for the Sharing Bucket to provide to patients traveling to and from cancer treatments.